The Red Light Green Light Doll in Netflix’s ‘Squid Game’ is a formidable and at times unsettling presence. With her ability to harm players and her mechanical voice spouting “red light” and “green light,” she is not the warm...
The Front Man of Netflix’s Squid Game is a shadowy figure, shrouded in an all-black ensemble. While one could opt to hand-craft the costume themselves, the option to purchase the individual pieces remains a convenient and budget-friendly alternative. This guide...
In the twisted world of “Squid Game,” the VIPs are the shadowy figures pulling the strings from behind the scenes. They are the wealthy elite, using their vast resources to play a sociopathic game of life and death with contestants who are down on their...
Transform into one of the shadowy orchestrators of the twisted competition in Squid Game by recreating the iconic worker uniform. This guide will review how to assemble the signature faceless look that keeps the game running behind the scenes. How to Dress Like the...
Unlike the contestants on the psychopathic reality show Squid Game, you can get in the game without risking torture or death, but you might not end up with a cash reward at the end (unless you really up your cosplay game!) All you need is to wear the distinctive dark...
Ted Lasso (star of Apple+’s eponymous series) is man who knew jack about the beautiful game of soccer, but he was gonna give it one hell of a college try. This man was summoned from the depths of American football oblivion by the vengeful queen of a British...
Hi, I'm Lukas. Comic-con veteran, and cosplay propmaker extraordinaire.
Looking for help putting your costume together? You've come to the right place. We're here to save the day with high-quality costume guides for cosplay heroes everywhere.
Lukas Lima
Your Cosplay Hero
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